
"Undertaking spiritual direction with Holly has been a truly transformative experience. Her thoughtful approach (and demonstration of) contemplative processes opened my eyes to a new level of connectedness in my faith life. Developing my personal relationship with Christ is at the forefront of every conversation, which allows me to challenge myself beyond my natural capabilities. I'm filled with gratitude for the patience she displayed during our time together, consistently bringing me back to my chosen goals. I always leave our sessions feeling inspired to work towards a better version of myself, with renewed strength to face whatever comes."

— KM

"Holly has been a wonderful spiritual director. She creates a safe, calm, and welcoming environment. There have been multiple spiritual direction sessions that I have ended stating "that is not at all what I thought we would talk about," which is evidence to me that the Holy Spirit is present and that Holly leans into her relationship with the Holy Spirit allowing it to guide her questions and our conversations. I feel so blessed to be able to have Holly as my spiritual director.”

— MG

“As someone who was raised in the Catholic Church but set aside organized religion for many years, Holly has gently helped guide my rediscovery of that aspect of my life and what it looks like in adulthood. Holly has helped me walk this path in such a fulfilling, non-judgmental, individually tailored in a way that it feels like a warm, open invitation of God back into my life.”

— JH

“I want to thank you once again for a really excellent retreat for our women – and truthfully, for me too! I saw many of them at Mass on Sunday and they were so very grateful. Some of the feedback that I heard was that they felt challenged and empowered and that the energy in the room was palpable. They loved the creativity of the retreat and how it drew them in. They were so grateful for the ways this bonded them together and they feel inspired to be more conscious and disciplined in their spiritual lives. What more could one desire for a retreat? Holly, you are very gifted and I pray that you will continue to be open to God’s invitations to share God’s marvelous gifts in you with others.

— Sr. Mary Kerber, SSND

“I enthusiastically recommend Holly as a Spiritual Director. Her impact on my life and outlook has been transformative. Right from the jump, Holly creates a sacred space for prayer and spiritual exploration. Her profound listening and reflection then helped me navigate challenges, discover insights, and foster a deeper faith in God. Holly’s wisdom has been instrumental in my spiritual journey, leading to personal growth. With gratitude, I endorse her services to all seeking spiritual guidance, personal growth, and a better life.”