A Brief History
Spiritual direction is an ancient practice of sharing one's soul experience through sacred conversations with a trusted friend. For example, in the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Hebrew people held a covenant relationship with God and each other. Jesus called twelve closest friends to walk with him in his ministry. Paul gave guidance and direction to his established Christian communities.
In the 3rd and 4th centuries, people sought counsel from the monastic desert fathers and mothers in their example of withdrawing from everyday life to seek God through simple living.
Additionally, spiritual companionship transcends Christianity into all faith traditions. Regardless of your tradition, you are welcome to journey with me.
Individual Direction
Spiritual Direction, also known as spiritual companioning, is a contemplative practice that involves deep listening, conversation, prayer, and silence to discover how the Sacred is moving in one’s life. Individuals seek to uncover deeper meaning in their lives, what God is calling them to be, do, or the next steps on their journey. The spiritual director and directee relationship is professional, confidential, and sacred.
Spiritual direction typically transpires through conversations that encompass all areas of life: joys, sorrows, fears, and questions. It is not about solving problems but seeing how life's twists and turns bring meaning to your life. This will open you to God's profound love and what you are called to do and be in this world. Spiritual direction is not therapy but rather a conversing, reflecting, listening, and journeying into the Divine movements of your life. We explore and discover together.
Everyone is sacred and can access the Divine in their life; sometimes we just need a companion for the journey. Regardless of your tradition, you are welcome to journey with me.
Group Direction
Spiritual Direction can also transpire in a group setting. I meet with a group of 3-5 people who commit to 13 sessions throughout the year.
During the first meeting, you learn some basics of listening and responding. Then, during the 90-minute session, participants take turns sharing, listening, sitting in silence, being attentive to the movements of the Spirit, and responding as the Spirit moves them. It is a powerful and transforming experience.